5 Diet Tips!

Here’s what’s working for me so far…

  1. Eating the same things most of the time. It’s Rule # 2 in the Slow Carb Diet, “EAT THE SAME FEW MEALS OVER AND OVER AGAIN” I have heard Tim talk about this rule on podcasts before and when he elaborates it makes a lot of sense and it works for me. If I don’t have to think about what I am going to eat or make a new choice about every day, then I am more likely to stick to the diet plan.
  2. Cutoff Time- for food in the evening. I like to set a specific time like 7 or 8 pm at the latest. Having this hard line is important for me mentally. I have found it the best way to control late night snacking which is usually a pitfall.
  3. Breakfast-The Slow Carb Diet advises that you eat 30g of protein for breakfast in one way or another. I go for eggs, beans and spinach. There is some kind of science behind the combo described in “The 4 Hour Body” so read more about it there. Lunch is a key meal as well. Eating enough protein with every meal helps me feel full longer so I am not tempted by the Cool Ranch Doritos down in the vending machine screaming my name. They call to me around 2 o’clock and and it’s much easier to ignore if I am actually full from lunch.
  4. Cheat Day– Some people love it and some people hate it. But for me I like knowing that I can have a day of freedom. When I want to turn into Taco Bell on my way home from work, I tell myself I can get it on the Cheat Day just not today. And believe it or not this actually works for me.
  5. Exercise- I know it seems obvious, but no diet works well for you without moving your body. I eased into it with walking. I walk around the building during work breaks, and sometimes after dinner. I take longer more rigorous walks on the weekend when I have more time. I typically get up and go walk immediately on Saturday and Sunday morning before anything gets in the way. In my experience if I wait until later, then it doesn’t happen. So get up and go!

So, those are the basics that I have gone back to so far. I am at Day 6 and doing better each day. Of course I get off track here and there but that’s no reason to derail the whole train and end the journey. I just have to remember why I started. I listen to this song on my headphones when I don’t feel like working out much. Sometime I have to listen to it twice to get through the end. But it works!

Author: nichole_blog

Product photographer and lifestyle blogger

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